Aaron Grieve

Head Baker

Hi! I'm Aaron, I run the Bakery of free and delicious copy/paste Webflow components.


Freshly Baked!
Team Card

Layered team member hover effect

Clone Webflow ProjectPreview
How do I use this?
Baked by
Aaron Grieve
Freshly Baked!
Layered Project Button

A bouncy layered project or product style button

Clone Webflow ProjectPreview
How do I use this?
Baked by
Aaron Grieve
Freshly Baked!
Morphing Button

Bouncing and morphing button.

Clone Webflow ProjectPreview
How do I use this?
Baked by
Aaron Grieve
Freshly Baked!
Hamburger Button

Nice and clean click and close text animation for your Hamburger Button.

Clone Webflow ProjectPreview
How do I use this?
Baked by
Aaron Grieve
Freshly Baked!
Navigation & Footer

A classic looking navigation with a sassy and unexpected hover interaction on the navigation buttons

Clone Webflow ProjectPreview
How do I use this?
Baked by
Aaron Grieve
Freshly Baked!
Hamburger Button

Everything is better when you throw a spin in to the mix.

Clone Webflow ProjectPreview
How do I use this?
Baked by
Aaron Grieve
Freshly Baked!
Double Layer Button

A little double layer action on hover.

Clone Webflow ProjectPreview
How do I use this?
Baked by
Aaron Grieve
Freshly Baked!
Fan Out Button

On hover a new background colour fades from the centre to fill the whole button.

Clone Webflow ProjectPreview
How do I use this?
Baked by
Aaron Grieve