Hi! I'm Aaron, I run the Bakery of free and delicious copy/paste Webflow components.
A blog post item with a cheeky 3D fly out read button
Clone Webflow ProjectPreviewA playful 3D button, a slight blast from the past with a cool 3D depression on hover
Clone Webflow ProjectPreviewA simple and elegant blog post list item, wrapped in a link with hover interaction
Clone Webflow ProjectPreviewCentral positioned logo with an awesome expanding circle on hover of the nav buttons.
Clone Webflow ProjectPreviewA classic looking navigation with a sassy and unexpected hover interaction on the navigation buttons
Clone Webflow ProjectPreviewSuper 3D perspective team card, with a dynamic drop show too.
Clone Webflow ProjectPreviewClean button with surprise circular reveal on hover
Clone Webflow ProjectPreviewCircular hamburger menu button. A little spin and flick action
Clone Webflow ProjectPreviewAn unexpected micr-interaction for you next hamburger button
Clone Webflow ProjectPreviewAn unexpected micro-interaction for you next hamburger button
Clone Webflow ProjectPreview